Happy Saturday, my lovely Muses!
There are a few quick updates I wanted to bring to everyone's attention that will be going into effect this week at The Muses Circle.
Movie Review Saturdays & Movie/TV Series News & Highlights
If you've been following my blog, then you know I try to post movie reviews on Saturdays. However, lately I've been so busy that the movie section of my blog has been severely neglected. So, I came up with this idea. Instead of posting nothing on Saturdays if I can't get around to writing a movie review, I will post the highlights of movie/tv series news that week. It could be about casting news, a movie trailer that was just released, etc. I really like this idea since I am constantly on movie websites, trying to find out new scoops on upcoming releases. It's my pleasure to keep everyone in the loop!
Monday's "My Picks of the Week": Books/E-books & Blu-ray/DVD
On Mondays I post my weekly "Picks of the Week" which is basically a list of new releases (books and movies) that either I plan on buying or what I think the masses would find interesting.
After each book or movie, I embed links. If it's a book, there is usually a link to the author's website and a link to pre-order or purchase the book on amazon.com or bn.com. The link I use that sends you to amazon.com or bn.com is usually for the hardback or paperback copy of the book. Since e-books have become so popular, I decided that I will also include a link to the e-book version if one is available.
As for movies and/or tv series, I post a link to its official website and a link to pre-order or purchase it on amazon.com. Usually, the link I use directs you to purchase it on blu-ray first, and if the movie or tv series has not been released yet on blu-ray, then to the dvd version. I recently realized that not everyone may know what blu-rays are, so here is a quick lesson.
Blu-ray vs. DVD
I know that some of you know what the difference is between dvd and blu-ray. Some of you may not. If you don't, you can go HERE which explains the technical differences between the two. All you really need to know is that blu-ray discs are superior in the quality of picture, sound, and special features. So if you have a big, flat screen tv (37" or more), it probably makes sense to start upgrading your dvd collection to blu-ray. Just like vhs movies are basically obsolete, one day dvds will too, now that blu-rays are so popular.
But don't despair. While blu-ray discs can only be watched on blu-ray players or PS3's, dvds can be played on both dvd AND blu-ray players. So here is my suggestion. Many movies now are being released in a blu-ray, dvd combo set. That is what you want to look for and buy. Here are the reasons why:
1) If you haven't upgraded to blu-ray yet, you can still view the movie on dvd, but will still have the blu-ray once you decide to upgrade
2) If you already have upgraded, blu-ray/dvd combo sets are great because you may not have a blu-ray player in every room, therefore the dvd comes in handy. Or, maybe the kids want to watch something in their room but they only have a dvd player. Get my point?
So from now on, I will embed a link for the blu-ray and dvd versions of each movie and tv series. I will also try to mention if they are available in a blu-ray-dvd combo set.
A few weeks ago I mentioned that I wanted to create a section on my blog where I collect buttons from other blogs that I check out on a weekly basis. Scratch that idea. At least for right now. Thanks for my blogger friend, Intricate Knot, I became aware of the Blog Roll option. So you will notice to the left of my blog a little section called "Nifty Blogs I Love!" For right now, I limited it to 10 blogs, but that doesn't mean I only check those. I just want to try it out for a little bit and if I like it, I will probably add more blogs to the list.
Well, I think that is it for right now. So all of these little changes/updates should go into effect starting Monday. Until then, I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!
Your resident Muse,

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