Title: Hollyweird
Author: Terri Clark
ISBN: 0738719250
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: YA, Paranormal Romance
Theme: Angels & Demons
Binding: Paperback
Length: 240 pages
Published: 8 May 2012
Buy: amazon.com, bn.com
My Rating:

Synopsis: Aly King is about to fall for the fallen.
My best friend, Des, and I totally freaked when we won the contest to meet THE Dakota Danvers in Hollywood. But now we’re finding out he’s SO not the angel everyone believes him to be. In fact, Dakota is the son of Satan, wreaking havoc on Hollywood and creating an evil army hellbent on world domination.
Lucky for us, Dakota’s super-cute personal assistant, Jameson, is a fallen angel trying to get his wings back, and he’s working undercover to squash his demon boss’s plan. If Jameson hadn’t taken me under his wing I’d be in serious trouble, because I’m a total newb when it comes to conquering evil. But, truth be told, that sexy angel’s got me all aflutter and may be one temptation I can’t resist.
My Review: Overall, I think Hollyweird by Terri Clark was a super fun, quick read. If you find yourself overwhelmed after reading books with heavy topics and you are looking for a story that is entertaining, will make you laugh, and doesn't require putting on your thinking caps, then this book is definitely worth picking up.
Hollyweird's premise is simple. Aly King wins a contest that was being promoted in EnterTEENment Magazine. What does she win? A once in a lifetime opportunity to meet Dakota Danvers, the hunky star of a popular CW show called Paranormal P.I. With her gothy, best friend Des and 21 year old sister/soap star wannabe Missy (who serves as their annoying, diva chaperone) in tow, they head to Hollywood. Never in their wildest dreams did they ever imagine their teen idol is actually a demon in disguise (the son of Satan to be exact) and that they would have to work closely with an undercover fallen angel named Jameson (who is trying to earn his halo back) in order to save the world from evil. Yes, it's as funny as it sounds!
If you haven't figured it out yet by my little summary, Terri Clark has created some memorable characters. By far my favorite has to be Des, Aly's best friend. I'm not sure if it's because she reminds me of my old goth days or if it's because Des doesn't fit the typical stereotypes that most goth characters fall under. There is this big misconception that goth kids wear all black because they are depressed, worship the devil, only listen to Marilyn Manson, and wouldn't be caught dead with "normal" looking teens. Des is proof that just because you have a few piercings and wear darker clothes doesn't mean you are an unhappy, Satanic worshiping outcast. Even though Aly and Des have completely different styles, they don't let outer appearances get in the way of who they are on the inside.
I love Des's sense of humor and her crazy words and phrases she comes up with, which Aly affectionately adds to her mental "Des Dictionary". A great example is in the beginning of the book when Aly and Des arrive in Hollywood. Des is so nervous that she pukes a little in her mouth which she calls "interna-hurl." "Guystraction" (being distracted by boys), "tattegory", and "pierconify" are just a few of the many other words she creates.
Let me not forget to mention how funny the text messages were from God to Jameson. When Aly and Des figure out the truth about Dakota, Jameson is torn as to whether he should reveal his own identity. Suddenly, a "Stairway to Heaven" ringtone goes off on his phone. When he checks to see who texted him, the message says:
From: God
"Maybe Zeppelin was a little obvs?"
Sooo funny! Also, Jameson must check in with the archangel Michael from time to time. What cracks me up is how Jameson calls him "Mikey". Who knew that giving God a sense of humor would work so well? Then again, I am not sure why I'm so surprised. Maybe it's because the last few books I've read have been more serious in nature. It just came to me yesterday that Hollyweird's humor reminds me of the movie Little Nicky starring Adam Sandler. If you liked Little Nicky then you will love this book!
Here are a few things I had issues with. While I loved the alternating chapter perspectives between Aly and Jameson, I felt that about halfway through the book, the voices of the two merge together. What I mean is, in the beginning, I could easily tell which chapter was in Aly's POV and which was in Jameson's without the chapters even being labeled at the top. But somewhere in the middle of the book, their distinct voices as characters fade away. I would be reading and easily forget who's head I was in. I'm not sure what happened since the story and characters started off strong.
I also felt that the way the girls find out about Dakota's true identity was a bit rushed and sudden. I get that the book is only 240 pages, so things do have to move along. Also, this may sound strange, but I guess I didn't care for the revelation that other supernatural creatures like werewolves and witches also exist. Obviously this has a lot to do with how the story ends, so I won't go any further.
My last complaint is the romance and chemistry between the two main characters. While I loved Aly and Jameson as a couple, the whole "I-would-sacrifice-everything-for-you, even-risk-never getting-my-halo-back" formula doesn't work, especially since they have only known each other, oh like, FOUR DAYS! Don't get me wrong, I am not a complete "instant love" hater. I just feel that there wasn't much development between Aly and Jameson due to the craziness going on in the book. Maybe if there had been some more scenes between them, more tender moments, I could believe the "I-would-die-for-you" kind of love. But the romance is quite lacking, the heat factor is...well, cold. I can't even remember if they kissed. Isn't that sad?
Hollyweird's cover art and synopsis were spot on as to what I expected from this book! The story was light-hearted, hilarious, and never takes itself too seriously. If you keep these things in mind, you will enjoy this book immensely!

It sounds like a light read, which I like in the summer when I never have enough time to read as much as I would like :) New follower from blogaholic, I look forward to your future reviews (I am always looking for new books to read!).
Thank you! Following you back :)
DeleteHi girl! Great review! I love to read a light book once in a while.
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Hi Mia, just visiting your blog, and saying thanks for commenting and following my blog yesterday, much appreciated. Happy to follow back. Best wishes, Lindsay