I first want to thank you for visiting my blog. If you are an author, publicist, publisher, or promoter and you wish for me to review your novel, please read the guidelines BEFORE filling out the Book Review Request Form below.
I will consider and try to respond to all requests. However, it is not a guarantee that all requests will be accepted.
Here is a list of genres/themes that I am interested in & have knowledge of:
- Young Adult Literature (any kind)
- Adult Romance (any kind, including erotica from e-book websites like Ellora's Cave, Loose-ID, Dreamspinner Press)
- Gay/Lesbian Literature (including controversial topics for teens, example: Almost Perfect, Hero, Rainbow Boys, Zero At the Bone)
- Science Fiction (paranormal, supernatural, etc.)
- Fantasy (including Urban Fantasy)
- Thrillers/Suspense (examples: Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Boy in the Suitcase, The Inquisitor)
- Any book with these themes: Apocalyptic, Post-Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Urban, Vampires, Angels, Zombies, Aliens, Futuristic, etc.
Genres that are NOT my strong areas, but I will still consider:
- Memoirs/Biographies/Autobiographies (I have read a few like Autobiography of a Recovering Skinhead, Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanche. I love anything to do with Native American history, Pirates, the Samurai, Gangs, Biker club culture, etc.)
- Horror
- Sports
- Self-Help
Please fill out the Book Review Request Form Below.
If you are an author, publicist, publisher, or promoter that would like me to promote your book by way of joining a Blog Tour, please contact me at: famulan23@gmail.com or fill out the form below.
The Muses Circle is written, updated, and edited by me. All reviews are written by me, unless otherwise stated as I plan to have guest bloggers occasionally help me with reviews. Any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email me anytime at: famulan23@gmail.com
Mia, this dratted form won't work at all! Giving up and emailing you.