
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Giveaway Winners, a Blog Award, & Nifty Blogs

Hello my lovely Muses!

Wednesdays are normally reserved for book reviews, but since I just finished reading Emerald City by Alicia K. Leppert and am in the process of reviewing the book, I figured this would be a great opportunity to get caught up on informing everyone on a few updates!

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"Book-to-Movie" E-book Giveaway Winners

I have already contacted the 2 winners of my book-to-movie, e-book giveaway that ended on Saturday, but I wanted to announce it officially here on The Muses Circle. The winners are...*drum roll*

1) Disincentive @ Disincentive Reviews


2) KatieHB

Congrats to the winners! And thanks to everyone that participated! I have received such positive feedback, that I plan to have another Book-to-Movie E-book Giveaway "Part 2" sometime next month. So if you didn't win this time around, don't despair! You will have another chance to win some of the same titles AND some more titles I will be adding to the list!


Well, it looks like The Muses Circle has won another blog award! This time, it is the Versatile Blog Award! Thank you, Ruty @ Reading...Dreaming, for honoring me with this awesome award!
Here are the Rules:
1 - Thank and link the blogger who awarded you.
2 - Share 7 random facts about yourself .
3 - Spread the love by passing the award to five other bloggers, and be sure to let them know.

7 Random Facts:

1. I recently had the chance to spend the day with NY Times & USA Today's Bestselling author Simone Elkeles! You can see the photos on my facebook!

2. I love film just as much as I love books!

3. I have well over 400 tv series from all over the world!

4. The first romance novel I ever read was by Cassie Edwards.

5. I love finding rare, out-of-print, hard-to-find movies and tv series for people.

6. I'm addicted to Asian TV Dramas!

7. I have the hots for actor Michael Fassbender *blush*

Bloggers I Nominate:

1. Flora Bateman @ "From the Bootheel Cotton Patch"
2. Deva @ "The Urban Paranormal Book Blog"
3. Intricate Knot @ "My Blog & Role Fantasy"
4. Soumi @ "Pages From My Thoughts"
5. Ela and Cel @ "Ya-Anonymous"


I've noticed that some of my fellow bloggers have either a section or page set aside where they list some of their favorite blogs. I've decided to make a section on my blog where I list my favorite blogs to visit or blogs that I find nifty! This section will be located on the left side bar of my blog, right below my list of blog awards. I'm in the process of compiling a list, so it may be a week or so before the section becomes active.

If you are a fellow blogger that has a section like this and you have your own blog button, feel free to contact me. I have no problem adding your blog to my Nifty Blog section if you would do so in exchange!

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Well, I think that is it for the updates. I am thinking about creating another blog, this would be for my insane tv series collection which is getting hard for me to keep updated. Creating a blog for my collection would hopefully help me keep it organized, but I am still thinking it over. Once I have made up my mind, I will let everyone know the details!

Keep your eyes open for a 3 movie review by Guest Blogger Gary Dion on Saturday!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Best Wishes,


  1. Congrats to the winners of the book-to-movie ebook contest! I thought it was a great idea for a giveaway. And I love your random facts about yourself. 400 TV series from around the world? That's crazy!


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