
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Book Review: FIEND by: Peter Stenson + World War Z Poster GIVEAWAY!

Title: FIEND
Author: Peter Stenson
ISBN: 0770436315
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Horror Fiction
Theme(s): Meth Addiction, Zombies, Apocalypse
Length: 304 pgs
Binding: Hardcover
Published: 9 July 2013; Crown

There’s more than one kind of monster. 
When Chase Daniels first sees the little girl in umbrella socks tearing open the Rottweiler, he's not too concerned. As a longtime meth addict, he’s no stranger to horrifying, drug-fueled hallucinations.  

But as he and his fellow junkies soon discover, the little girl is no illusion. The end of the world really has arrived. 

The funny thing is, Chase’s life was over long before the apocalypse got here, his existence already reduced to a stinking basement apartment and a filthy mattress and an endless grind of buying and selling and using. He’s lied and cheated and stolen and broken his parents’ hearts a thousand times. And he threw away his only shot at sobriety a long time ago, when he chose the embrace of the drug over the woman he still loves. 

And if your life’s already shattered beyond any normal hopes of redemption…well, maybe the end of the world is an opportunity. Maybe it’s a last chance for Chase to hit restart and become the man he once dreamed of being. Soon he’s fighting to reconnect with his lost love and dreaming of becoming her hero among civilization’s ruins. 

But is salvation just another pipe dream? 

My Rating:


My Review: Unless you've been living under a rock, zombies have made a comeback in popularity. They are everywhere-- in books, at the movies, and on television and they are here to least for a little while. And with this influx of zombie mania comes those individuals who just want to jump on the bandwagon to make a quick buck. The hard part is to weed through the coal to find the hidden gem. FIEND by Peter Stenson is one of those gems, a novel that borrows bits and pieces from material of the past (such as Shaun of the Dead) to give us that familiar feel yet somehow is able to maintain a sense of originality. Strangely enough, as I sit here and attach a zombie label to this book, there is a hesitation. One can argue that FIEND is more a story about addiction that just so happens to have zombies in it (I made a similar comment awhile back when I reviewed another "zombie" novel called This Is Not a Test by Courtney Summers). Think Trainspotting meets Shaun of the Dead. And let's not forget there is a love story here as well. Because FIEND can fall into more than one category, it was a little challenging for me to review. Hopefully my analysis below makes sense and doesn't come out a mess.

Here is what I liked about FIEND. The story takes place within the course of a week. Instead of chapters, each section is broken up by a day of the week. Combined with Chase's (our main character) first person narration, it was a very quick read and gave it a journal like feel.

To add to Stenson's unique style of writing is his imaginative use of figures of speech, in particular similes, and sensory details. Here are a couple of examples:  
"Blood spouting like Old Faithful."  
"She pulls at the intestines like saltwater taffy."  
"She's still there and her dress isn't a Jackson Pollock anymore, just red. So's her hair."  
"I turn to see Typewriter at the top of the stairs and then look back to the girl sitting there like a used tampon." 
If you haven't figured it out yet, let me clarify. This novel is not for the faint of heart or for those who are easily offended due to offensive language. The story and images the author creates with words are raw and dirty. Some parts are so vivid that I seriously felt sick to my stomach at times, and I'm not even talking about blood and guts. I'm talking about the effects of being a hardcore meth addict and the way Stenson uses the senses to describe these habits, the picking of scabs, their bodies and hair greasy and filthy because they haven't bathed in days (and that's before the zombies make an appearance), smelling like "period blood". Hey, his words, not mine!

What I really liked about FIEND and what makes this novel stand out is its unlikely hero, or I should say antihero. Chase is a meth addict and what I like even more is that Stenson didn't make him a stereotypical addict. Most people assume that if a person is on drugs it's because they had a shitty childhood, come from an abusive home, or maybe their parents battled addiction and they are just a product of their environment. But we rarely get to see the other side. As the story unfolds, Chase reveals that his family had money. His parents loved and supported him and did everything within their power to help him get clean. While I did sympathize with him at different parts in the story, I found it harder to find sympathy for a person who had a pretty decent life but pissed it all away because he wanted to rebel as a teenager. And even Chase felt shame at times because of this very fact.

Stenson also interjects well-paced humor throughout FIEND and has created quite a few interesting characters. Chase's best friend is nicknamed Typewriter and he just so happens to be the only fat meth addict that he knows. There are quite a few cinematically funny (at the same time nail-biting) moments when zombies are bearing down on them, Type gets physically stuck, and Chase has to help him out. Yet just when you think Stenson has stereotyped him as the fat, wimpy best friend that is scared of his own shadow, Type does something courageous. He's the one who teaches Chase how to shoot a gun. He's the one who drives them out of more than one sticky situation and waits for Chase even when zombies are snapping at their heals.  But if I had to pick a favorite character, it must be the Albino, Chase and Typewriter's meth cook. Yes, I said THE Albino because that is how he prefers to be addressed. Not only is he one of the most paranoid, smartest, and eccentric of the bunch (he's the only one who prepared years in advance for a zombie apocalypse), he also serves as the comic relief in the story. I'm not going to give you any examples since the majority of his comments are quite vulgar and I don't want to offend anybody (which really makes no sense if you plan to read this book, but whatever), suffice it to say that THE Albino is one character you will not soon forget.

I don't want to get into too many details about the zombies themselves as I don't want to spoil everything, but I do like that Stenson tries to inject some unique qualities. The one thing I will say is that they...chuckle or...giggle instead of the moaning we are used to. This is why Chase and his little posse call them "Chucks". It may sound silly but imagine a little girl covered in blood and dog intestines coming at you while giggling. Creepy, right? 'Nuff said.

Another thing that I found interesting and probably is the most important aspect of the novel is the philosophical questions that Chase ponders throughout the story. For example, Dead vs. Undead. Aren't they already dead, living that kind of lifestyle? What makes them any better than zombies? At first I didn't quite get it because even though he is an addict, how can you compare a living, breathing human being to a zombie? But oh was I wrong. Just when I started to like Chase, there would be a flashback scene or a part where he remembers something horrifying that he did in the past in order to get high. And let me not even get started with some of the things he does and choices he makes throughout the novel that shocked and disgusted me. But that is what I think the point of the story is. How far will an addict go to get their next fix? What this story left me asking is this: are they trying to survive the apocalypse or are they doing it for their next fix?

So here is what I had issues with. There were a few minor things that I still feel torn about and it really all depends on how you look at it and what the author was actually trying to convey. While I did like Stenson's unique writing style, it took some time getting used to. As I stated above, it is written in first person narration but here is the problem: there are no quotation marks used with the dialogue. A part of me liked the unstructured format because it made me feel like I was reading Chase's personal journal. But because no quotations were used with the dialogue, there were times when someone was speaking or multiple people were having conversations around Chase and I couldn't figure out right who was saying what. I had to stop occasionally and reread to figure it out. At times even Chase's thoughts got jumbled up when other people were talking. Thankfully, Stenson gave each of his characters distinct voices, so it wasn't too hard to figure out. But confusion did happen and who wants to get pulled out of a story because they have to stop and reread a section since they can't figure out who said what?

It probably is no surprise that characters start to be picked off towards the end. I really can't get into too much detail here because I don't want to spoil anything. But my issue lies with the hot and cold feelings I kept getting with certain characters. There are times throughout the story where I felt I had a good sense of the type of characters I was reading about. But then they would do something that seemed way out of character. At one point I got so angry that I wrote a list of things I wanted to call the author out on but then I started to wonder. Is it the addiction that caused these characters to do random things that were shocking and unexpected? I'm still torn on this one.

My last issue is the way FIEND ends. I would have to agree with other reviewers that it was almost as if Stenson got tired of his own characters and just walked away. It ends so abruptly that I thought the galley I had received was an unfinished draft. But no, it's the way the story ends. Sometimes ambiguous endings are cool and thought provoking. But I fail to see the ambiguity. I was at first extremely distraught, and felt like I had invested my time yet was rewarded with no type of closure. But again I am torn because...I have this feeling that...this is not the end. I won't say any more but after I had some time to calm down and think, I do see the potential for a sequel. I can only hope that is why Stenson ended things the way he did.

Some may argue that FIEND by Peter Stenson is not a zombie book but rather a story about addiction that just so happens to have zombies in it. I can see this novel appealing to those who are interested in learning or reading about meth addiction. Also, if you are like me, FIEND may appeal to those zombie fans that are looking for something different, a new way of looking at things, a fresh pair of eyes to see a zombie apocalypse through. However, if you like zombie novels that reveal the who, what, where, and how-- how they turned into zombies, what caused it, where is the cure--you may be disappointed. Because none of these issues are the focal point of this story. The only thing that is figured out rather quickly is how to prolong NOT turning into a zombie...the rest I will leave for you to figure out. But I will give you a hint. If you've had the chance to see the movie version of World War Z,  then you know it's not so much about finding the cure, but something that can buy them time. But these...revelations that give Chase in FIEND and Brad Pitt's character in World War Z time are equally as dangerous and life threatening. But hey, comparing FIEND and WWZ is a whole different can of worms better explored another day.

Since it is "Zombie Week" on my blog, I have a treat for everyone! Enter below for a chance to win 1 of 3 17 x 10 inch Limited Edition World War Z movie posters! I have 3 of these posters to give away, so 3 winners will be announced. Sorry, but this giveaway is for US residents ONLY. Good luck!
 a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Mia, cool giveaway. Thanks. I am following you by blog lovin,goodreads,email, gfc and linky. LOL My blog address is:

    I look forward to more of your posts and seeing you around the blogosphere. ^_^

  2. Great giveaway! We enjoyed the movie- thanks for the opportunity to win!

  3. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  4. Very nice review and thanks for the invite. I look forward to reading more of your reviews. Thanks!

    1. Hi Ty!

      Thanks for stopping by and for the compliment. Just sent you a friend request on goodreads. :)


  5. Great review, I had been looking at this book but hadn't seen any reviews yet. You've helped my decide I do want to read it for sure!! Thanks, I'm definitely following you now.
    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity,
    8) Michelle Hofacker (

    1. Thanks, Michelle!

      FIEND truly is unique novel so if you are looking for something different, definitely give it a shot!


  6. Cool giveaway, and I really enjoyed the review! Sounds like a good book... :)

    1. Thanks, JC! Hope all is well. I just stopped by your blog and left you a loooooooong message. :)

  7. Thank you. Fiend is one I will be picking up soon.

  8. Thanks for another awesome giveaway!
