
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

200 Follower Giveaway: The Hunt ARC Paperback!

Hello, my Muses!

I recently noticed that my blog is only a few shy of reaching 200 followers. What better way to celebrate then to host a quick Giveaway!

Since I've recently read and reviewed The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda, my ARC paperback copy is just sitting on my shelf, collecting dust. Well, not anymore! One of you lucky Muses is going to get a chance to win it! Here is what my copy looks like as well as links to a book blurb and my review:

This is a stock photo of what my copy looks like, but don't worry, it's been lightly used, in great condition. Oh, and you will also notice that it features a different cover art then the final artwork they went with, which you can see below! I guess they decided to change it after the ARCs were distributed. So, this ARC copy is also a collectible!

Below is all the information you will need to enter. Giveaway ends at midnight on Saturday, June 2nd (Saturday night into Sunday).

Good Luck!

The Hunt ARC Paperback GIVEAWAY!

The Giveaway is open WORLDWIDE!
1 (ONE) winner will be chosen. The winner will receive my ARC paperback copy of The Hunt!
Please read the following rules/instructions carefully. All responses must be left in MY comment section of this post.

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1.. Must be a follower of my blog through GFC and/or Networked Blogs and/or Linky Followers (must leave your name/username that you use for any of these in the comment section of this post so I can check you joined)
2. Leave your name and email address in the COMMENT section of this post. (DO NOT leave your mailing address in the comment section. I will contact the winner afer the giveaway has ended for further instructions.)
3. Must answer this question: Why do you want to read The Hunt?

Optional/Bonus: Add/Follow me on Twitter and Facebook! :)

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Giveaway ENDS: Saturday, June 2nd (last day to enter, ends at midnight) and the winner will be chosen and contacted by Sunday, June 3rd. The Winner will have 48 hours to respond to my email so that I can get your mailing address. If I don't hear from you, a new winner will be chosen. So please make sure you leave your correct email addresses in the comment section!
For any comments, questions, or concerns about this giveaway, feel free to email me:
Good Luck!


  1. Hiya! I follow you through GFC; Katy Sozaeva; e-dress is katy (dot) sozaeva (at) gmail (dot) com

    As for why I want to read The Hunt - well, first, of course, I'm an obsessive bibliophile, so if it looks interesting, I wants it my precious ... I have it on my wishlist on Goodreads (my shelf called "buy-me") and have for awhile now, so obviously I'm interested in it. I tried to win a copy on LibraryThing myself, but didn't get it *pout* :-) So, hey, figured I'd try again, maybe I'd be the lucky one this time.

    Thanks for offering this giveaway!

    1. Oops, and yeah, I followed you on Facebook, too - same name :-)

  2. Hi I follow through GFC (Emily) and Twitter (EmilyBookaholic).

    I would love to read this book because it sounds AMAZING and I have entered so many giveaways for it but have not yet won so maybe I will this time :)

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  3. Hey there Mia! Cool giveaway.
    So I am following via GFC (Aliaa El-Nashar) and Twitter (@Aliaa_ElNashar)
    my email is: aliaa.elnashar(at)hotmail(dot)com

    Why I want to read it? Well I have heard a lot about this book and seen it around, it seems quite interesting.

  4. I'm follower 200! Woo hoo! Congrats on reaching 200 by the way! That's awesome! I have read The Hunt already through Net Galley, and it was awesome and would make a great gift! Thanks for the giveaway! My email is: whatsbeyondforks(at)gmail(dot)com

  5. Mia what a great giveaway!
    I follow you via GFC (as Ruth Benitez)and also like y our fb page!
    My mail: rutyla10(at)hotmail(dot)com

    Why I want to read it?? Well, vampires + human almost extint... that sound like a really good book!


    BTW!I'm hosting a giveaway, feel free to visit!

  6. follower of my blog through GFC

  7. liza vladyka

  8. I follow under GFC: bhwrn1 :) Email is I want to read this book, well, b/c it looks so good! I am very into any dystopian/sci-fi stuff now...and this fits the bill!

    1. I also follow on Twitter (bhwrn1) and Facebook (brooke watts DelVecchio). And just so you know, your FB link on this page is not working.

  9. GFC follower: Susan MomBlogger
    blogs: (family friendly) (adult fiction)

    I'd love to read The Hunt because the cover looks amazing, and I'm always open to reading and reviewing new adventures! Book sounds great!
    Would love a follow back!

  10. My user name is:Carolyn Brown

    The Hunt sounds like it would be a great book to read and as it is written in the genre I connect with I am sure I would enjoy the read!


  11. GFC follower: Leigh Ann Harbin
    blog: (I'd love to have you follow!!)
    Followed you on Twitter: @stormspirit and FB: Leigh Ann Harbin

    Like most books I'm drawn to it all comes down to the cover. If a book's cover doesn't catch me first I may never read the blurb. I saw it first on goodreads, and immediately put it on my TBR!

  12. linky follower Gale Nelson

    this book sounds like a great read and ?I love the cover.

  13. I follow by GFC Becky Johnson

    Thank you so very much for this exciting giveaway!

    Why I want to read The Hunt:

    I want to Sweat. I want to Laugh. And I'm sure this book will definitely draw attention to itself. And most of all, whatever I do, I will fall in love with The Hunt.

  14. Hey, Mia! Thanks for the giveaway. I follow your Blog and also Twitter (andreas641). Andrea Smith

    The Hunt is getting somewhat mixed reviews, and I'm excited to read it and form my own opinion. It is definitely a unique twist on a familiar vampire theme - I like that the primary character is a male - and a human - no less, living in a vampire-lead world. I can't wait to read it!

  15. I'm so waiting for this giveaway since the day I joined goodreads. I marked this book as one of my TOP 20 "to-reads"

    Angela Roque

    I've been intrigued in this book ever since I saw it! I was really captured by the summary provided in goodreads, add to that it has a good cover!

    thanks for the giveaway! :)

  16. I've had this book on my to read list for awhile now. I've been reading great reviews about this book, and I am dying to get my hands on it.

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

    Antoinette Hunter

  17. I'm an avid follower everywhere as BurgandyIce... GFC, Linky, Goodreads, Twitter, FB. Oh yea!! :-D

    Thanks for the giveaway!! I'd love to win The Hunt, especially the gently used ARC version! It's already on my TBR & it's one I think I'd like a lot. Thx for sharing!!


  18. GFC: Bridget Howard
    I have heard so many great things about this book and I would love to read it!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!!!

  19. Followed via GFC.
    Well, actually I want to read The Hunt because I don`t have enough money to buy it, and I never had a different book much less an ARC before. If I get this, this would really stand out from all the used and old books I have.
    - and I liked your page in facebook.

  20. Follower with GFC as Filia Oktarina

    Why I want to read it? Because this story aboot vampire, and that was enough for me to read this one. I heard so many good things about this book, and that make me curious and want know this story :)
    Thanks for giveaway and making international!!

    filiafantasy at gmail dot com

  21. Hi! I'm a new follower of yours on GFC (Amanda). I have a weakness for dystopian books but I'm curious about the vampire twist. Do you think the holes in the plot will be address in sequel (if there is going to be one?). Just curious, but have you read Legend by Marie Lu or Blood Red Road by Moira Young? Those are other ones I've been wanting to get my hands on. You must read Divergent if you haven't yet.

    Ok. Thanks for the giveaway!

    libraryofmyown at gmail dot com

  22. LINKY: Hwa Sun Kang

    I want to read The Hunt because I read some really good reviews about it :)_


  23. GFC: Sonia

    I follow you through Facebook as well. Username: Jane Chan

    I want to read The Hunt because I like dystopia as well as paranormal. It sounds like a book I'd like. Besides, I've heard great things about it. Thanks for the giveaway! :-)


  24. I want to read it because it sounds great and fits perfectly with my favorite genre lately which seems to be YA dystopian stories!
    GF Shauna Buck
    jbsmunky at aol dot com
