
Friday, March 2, 2012

The Muses Circle Reaches 100 Members!

Good morning my beautiful Muses!

I know Fridays are normally reserved for book & movie cover art (last Friday I introduced a new Guest Blogger), but you can imagine my surprise when I jumped on my blog this morning and noticed that The Muses Circle had reached 100 members! It's so hard to believe that only a couple of months ago, I had less then 10 followers and my blog looked like a ghost town. I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for their patience, support, feedback, and help. I decided to dedicate the rest of this post to updating everyone on what you can expect to see soon on The Muses Circle, such as giveaways, author interviews, recommendations, and more guest bloggers.


In the past couple of months, I have learned so much by just checking out other people's blogs. I noticed that giveaways are a big part of a blogger's world-- it not only helps to attract more traffic but also is a nice way to reward your followers. I have yet to do a giveaway, but I plan to start as early as next week. My giveaways will not only be for new releases but I was thinking about doing giveaways for older releases from my own library. I am not am impulse buyer, but I do have quite a few books sitting on my shelf that are BRAND NEW that I have looked back on and thought to myself, "There is no way I am going to read this book." So rather then try to sell or donate them, offering them in a giveaway might be a fun way to make room on my bookshelves.


I love communicating with authors. I recently read and reviewed JC Andrijeski's Rook: Allie's War #1. JC is so awesome that she agreed to do an Author Q & A and a Giveaway. Hopefully that will be posted in the next couple of weeks. I also have been in contact with a few other authors that are willing to do interviews, I just have to work with their schedules.


My Guest Blogger posts have been working out great! I like to post at least 2 reviews a week (a book and movie review) but sometimes I am in the middle of reading a book or haven't had the chance to watch a movie that I want to review. That is where my Guest Bloggers come in. My friends and colleagues have been wonderful with submitting reviews, recommendations, etc. So when I myself don't have a review ready to post, I will usually turn to one of my Guest Bloggers to help with a post.

This coming week I will be introducing everyone to my next Guest Blogger, Brian Warriner, followed by his book/movie comparison & analysis of Prayers for Bobby. My "Picks of the Week" posts are like my recommendations for everyone but I hope to get more of my Guest Bloggers to recommend books and movies as well.

In closing, I just want to thank everyone again for being a part of The Muses Circle. This blog has been such a therapeutic, positive, fun, (and can sometimes be frustrating because it takes a lot to keep up with everything!) experience and I couldn't have done it without my Muses! So just hang in there a little bit more and I promise to start sharing some goodies with you!

Happy Friday!


  1. Congrats :) ^^ you really deserve it :)


    1. Hi Marite!

      First, I want to thank you for stopping by my blog and for the kind words!

      Secondly, I just checked out your blog and am your newest follower :)

      Third, is that your artwork on your blog??? It is absolutely beautiful work! If you ever want your artwork to get more exposure, I would love for you to be a future guest blogger and post some of your artwork! My blog is dedicated to the arts, not just books and movies, so let me know if you would be interested in me posting some of your artwork in the future.

      Thanks and Best Wishes!


  2. Well done! I'm 10 followers off 100.

    Emily @

    1. Hey Emily! Thanks! I know you will reach 100 in know time! Keep up the good work, your blog is looking great!

      Best Wishes!


  3. Congratulations on reaching 100 followers!

  4. hey :)
    I'm Marite from
    all the work there is really mine - thank you so much for lovely comment -
    ahh that's an awesome idea for the future :)
    gonna paint/draw/craft some more artworks and the let see :) ^^

  5. Hi Mia! Great looking and interesting blog! I did appreciate Mick but boy did they have some ups and downs with their episodes. But the one where she drank vampire blood and then they took that could they cancel that show?!? How???
