
Friday, February 10, 2012

Cover Art Friday: Which Cover Is Better?

Happy Friday! Today's cover art post is going to be a little different. We all know that the artwork & design of books and movies are extremely important. I really hate to admit it, but I'd be lying if I said I strictly buy books & movies on their summaries alone. When you walk through Barnes & Noble, your eyes naturally gravitate toward what you personally find aesthetically pleasing. It's no different when you are online shopping, no matter what you are buying.

Today's post is dedicated to the book cover art that never made it. What I mean is, there are some novels that we know today that either had a different title or different cover art but was later changed before hitting bookshelves. The two books below had covers that I feel were more aesthetically appealing then what ended up making the final cut.

So I want everyone to do a little voting by leaving a comment on this post. Which cover treatment do you like better for each of these books?


Ann Aguirre's highly popular, edgy, post-apocalyptic YA novel, Enclave (on the right) was originally titled "Razorland" and featured the 2 main characters, Fade and Duece on the front cover. Sadly, the title was changed as well as the cover. Which do you like better, the "Razorland" cover with the 2 main characters on the front, or the final cover treatment?

Charles de Lint writes some pretty interesting fantasy novels. I was really excited about The Painted Boy, which the cover to the left caught my eye immediately when I was on the Barnes & Noble website. It did say on the cover, "Cover Not Final", but based on the summary of the book, this cover would have been a PERFECT fit since it's about an Asian boy that has a dragon tattoo on his back that eventually comes to life. But no, instead, the final cover treatment we are stuck with is the one to the right. It's not horrible, but the other cover artwork is way more striking in my opinion. What do you think?


  1. I personally am drawn to the left side covers of both books. I like them much better, and they drew my attention immediately. The right side covers are not as interesting to me and I'd most likely not even look at the book.

    1. Hi Mom Blogger! I totally agree! There is something striking about the left covers. I know authors really don't have much choice in the matter, but I would have begged, pleaded for the original covers!

      By the way, I joined all the blogs you had listed in your profile :) Thanks for joined and commenting on my post!

      Best Wishes,

      Mia at The Muses Circle

  2. In the first book I like both covers; they are both striking on their own. In the second book i'm leaning more towards the right side cover, i like that is simpler. Although I like the concept of the left cover except for the title.

  3. I like the right side covers better but neither would draw my attention from several feet distance. Due to the complex pictures, nothing really stands out from the cover. Often, a cover is a (hard) compromise between something aesthetically pleasing and visibility.

    1. Hi Cat! Thanks for your thoughts! I just joined your blog. Your story set around/during the time of 1001 Arabian Nights sounds interesting!

      I'll be sure to check in from time to time to see what's going on :)

      Best Wishes,

      Mia at The Muses Circle

  4. My vote on #1 goes to the one with the images. For #2 the one on the left with the tattooed back is so much like an old one--The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury that I'd go for the right side. Neither of these really "gets" my attention.

    Just stopped in from goodreads and the Never Too Old For YA thread. Glad I did. I love your blog look.

    1. Hi Cleemckenzie! Thanks for following me on my blog and giving me your opinion on the covers! I just checked out the cover for The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury and I do see some resemblance. That's why I love people's opinions! Everyone brings something different to the discussion :)

      Anyway, I am the newest member on your blog :) Can't wait to check it out further when I get some more time!

      Hope you have a great weekend!

      Mia at The Muses Circle
